IT Division Services

  • Cloud Assessment Services – TERI team provides an evaluation which will identify possibilities (business cases like: IaaS, Development services, Backup as a Service, Desktop as a Service, Project environment service, Private storage for employees “our Dropbox”, etc.), and scale advantages and disadvantages.
  • Cloud Deployment Services – We take a safe way of implementing Cloud and covers all of the aspects, from defining of the detailed project plan and SOW, installation of software solutions, integration with existing IT environment and business processes, all the way to defining of ‘market portal’. We perform the integration with the key processes within the company, some of which are:  Active Directory integration, IP address management integration, network integration, integration with existing monitoring systems, or security tools (like ArcSight), integration with backup tools, integration with billing procedures etc.
  • Digital Transformation Services – Full migration of existing IT infrastructure into an on premise private cloud or a public cloud service with the phased introduction of actual solutions: IaaS, SaaS, DaaS etc. Our first choice in that process is to propose solutions from vast offering of the open-source products. We provide expert solutions based on VMware or RedHat platforms.
  • BI Line-up Service – Our solution architects help enterprise IT leaders establish an adequate infrastructure for implementation of Business Intelligence solutions. We prefer to use MongoDB for the Big Data in the core but we are ready to accept our clients’ ideas too.
  • Software Engineering Services – Our software development team provides various Software Engineering Services: custom software design and development, mobile app development, web application development, software QA and go-live support.