Mobility is becoming a top priority for enterprises as it offers the promise to drive innovation and streamline operational efficiency. Developing mobile applications, as well as managing mobile apps, or building enterprise app stores is challenge today. Our solutions include:

Red Hat Mobile application platform

enables you to develop and deploy mobile apps in an agile and flexible manner. Take advantage of open technologies and standard toolkits while centralizing control over security, back-end integrations, and policy management

Mobile App Management (MAM)

cloud based platform for full app’s lifecy­cle, including: app onboarding, app inspection, app protection, app signing, app deployment, app analytics, and app administration

VDI & hosted desktops

Leostream™ Connection Broker provides the centralized connection management layer you need to deliver physical and virtual desktops to your end-users. It simplifies the management of a unified desktop environment from even the most complex IT architectures. Don’t build expensive VDI, but utilize existing network, integrating what you already have